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Build Your Family Office With Aster Coop

Amassing wealth is relatively easier compared to preserving and growing wealth, that’s the tricky part.

For this reason, many wealthy families face a gradual dispersion of their wealth over time.

Aster Coop comprises an experienced team of professionals who can guide you in managing and stewarding your family’s wealth.

We identify investment opportunities,  create user-friendly wealth dashboards, and perform regular assessments so that you can be in the forefront of your business.

The first step of wealth preservation is knowing what you have, why and how they are doing.

Get a complete view of family wealth with an integrated performance reporting and general ledger technology. This enables you to make informed decisions.



Assest &

Income &



Technology Solution

A complete view of family wealth

Asset Vantage Technology
An integrated performance reporting and general ledger technology makes all things possible.
Diversify Your Investment Portfolio

Our team strives to ensure your wealth is preserved. This means advising you making the right decisions, while minimizing risks.

After reviewing your existing portfolio, we identify any new regular or off-market investment opportunities and enable access through our online portal. 


Angel Investing


Incubators & Accelerators

Direct Investment


Wealth Management

We leverage technology to manage your portfolio, reviewing the performance of equities, fixed incomes, debts, as well as tangible assets, and making recommendations for a wealthier tomorrow.

Aster Coop, invest with security and ease.

Your Personal Tax Advisory

A major component of wealth management remains the U.S. tax system. 

Uphold your responsibility as tax-payers without having to indulge in the complexities of the filing process. We do it all for you.

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Tax-efficient investment wrappers

Mitigating Capital Gains & Inheritance Taxes

Allowances & exemptions

Manage your taxes with us, annually or as needed. We also assist in setting up off-shore, holding companies to aid the wealth accumulation process.

Grow and sustain your wealth with Aster Coop!
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