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Why do you place emphasis on family offices for entrepreneurs?

We specialize in working with active business owners, whose family office needs significantly differ from those who have sold their businesses. For active business owners, their primary assets are operating businesses, which often represent over 50% of their total assets. While these businesses are profitable, they tend to be illiquid, especially when located in regions with less dynamic private equity and public equity markets. Given the existing business-related risks, the primary focus in managing these assets is wealth preservation and ensuring liquidity.

Active family business owners frequently find it essential to establish sound governance structures, optimize operational processes, and introduce professional management teams to expand their businesses and prepare for potential mergers or sales. This transition from the owner-as-manager model to an owner-with-independent-management model is a gradual process, often accompanied by emotional challenges. It necessitates thorough planning, precise execution, and comprehensive support to ensure a successful shift.

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