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Black guy using laptop | Aster Coop | Family Office Services


  • 各メンバーは、家族のニーズに合った独自のファミリーオフィス構造を取得します

  • 既存の構造とサービスプロバイダーからの簡単な移行

  • リアルタイムの更新と、資産、リスク、および家族管理のためのデータ統合を備えたファミリーオフィステクノロジー。 

  • メンバーは、使用したサービスに対して支払いを行い、AUM(運用資産)料金は発生しません。

  • 幅広いサービスプロバイダーが注目を集めています

  • 独占的な市場外投資機会へのアクセス 

  • グループとして投資機会に参加する

  • 経営陣とメンバーは同じ目的を持っています

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As entrepreneurs approach their 60s, preparing for both business and family leadership transitions becomes imperative. While the importance of this step is widely recognized, the emotional aspect often leads individuals to delay it. Before passing the torch, founders must also discover new outlets for their energy and passions.

Young entrepreneurs experiencing rapid success have distinct requirements. Their thriving businesses demand their full attention and energy, while their families continue to grow. To navigate this dynamic phase and enhance their quality of life, they require comprehensive support.


Aster defines a family office as a structure & team dedicated to preserving a family’s wealth and wellness. Every entrepreneur is physically and mentally healthy and has a strong purpose. This allows him/her to endure an arduous and sometimes treacherous entrepreneurial journey. He/She knows something others do not know (intellectual capital) and starts a business, gets help from people (social capital) along the way, and achieves his/her success (financial capital).

Once people achieve their success, their memory of how they got there fades and they put strong emphasis on financial capital, their end result. To support a big financial capital, you need bigger intellectual and social capital. You need executives and family members who are physically and mentally healthy and have a clear purpose. That’s the best way to preserve wealth, create impact and build harmonious relationships. 

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Financial capital is a lot more vulnerable than intellectual and social capital. That’s why we hear the phrase “shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations” which happens if the family pays attention only to financial capital and not enough care to intellectual and social capital. A few coins in a pocket jingles and a pocketful of coins make holes. 


A sense of fulfillment and happiness are ultimate life goals and they come from integrated wealth (intellectual, social, and financial) and complete wellness (mind, body, and purpose).

Orquesta | Aster Coop Family Office Services




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